Sunday, February 16, 2020

What are three reasons for segmentation Which segmentation approach is Essay

What are three reasons for segmentation Which segmentation approach is the best and why - Essay Example The most likely cause for geographical segmentation is that the product appeals to a certain geographical area. If a business is selling snow boots then they would market an area where there is heavy snow fall.The most likely cause for demographical segmentation is that the product appeals to the personal characteristics of the customers such as age, gender, race, income, life stage, occupation, and education level. A clothing company might produce clothing that appeals to teenagers.The most likely cause for Psychographic segmentation is the personality traits, attitudes, interests, or lifestyles of potential customer groups. A company might develop an environmentally friendly product aimed at the more environmentally focussed consumer.It is difficult to define the best segmentation approach since it is dependent on the client group and their specific needs. If the product appeals to a particular lifestyle need; a piece of exercise equipment for example, then lifestyle segmentation w ould be ideal. Deciding the best segmentation method can be difficult, but it depends on the particular benefit for that business objective.If the business objective is a new product development it is essential to understand how customers group together according to their particular needs. The outcome of this would influence the best segmentation approach. Mishkin, F. & Eakins, S. (2009)You are the deacon of a small non-denominational church. Your minister has just left, and your congregation is down by over 11% in the past year. You have just received news that an electronics firm plans to relocate 500 families to your town. You are tasked with making a plan for increasing church membership since you are a marketing manager. Describe your plan. As the deacon of a small non - denominational Church. I have been asked to write a marketing plan to increase Church membership. Following is the summary of the main points of this marketing plan. The Church will change its focus to differentiate itself from Churches in the area and improve membership by filling the need of the electronics firm employee's and families. Our marketing challenge is to position our Church to reach the new families and cater to their interests and needs. As a Church we would teach the word of God by offering electronic courses sharing the word of the Gospel and giving tracts to those attending. The Church serves its members as a trusted friend, providing for their needs and the needs of their families. We ensure our members have what they need to function spiritually and to increase their well being. It is the Churches duty to ensure the interests of the members are met and therefore surveys will be sent to each potential member to discover their interests, age, gender, ethnicity, and potential needs. Letters will be sent out to let people know that the Church is here should they need us. We also need to concentrate on developing a clear vision for the future of the Church. The objectives of the Church are to increase membership this is likely to result in increased Church profits. In these circumstances the Church would be able to carry out more outreach projects. The consequence of this is that we would have to develop a strategy for exploring the potential user needs of our new members. The most appropriate solution would be to create a new vision with detailed actions that need to be fulfilled. Essentially a clear, workable action plan needs to be formulated to give clear roles and responsibilities of participants involved with creating the Churches new vision. Therefore a list of expectations needs to be created to give the Leadership Team a way of measuring the success and progress of the project. If the Church is successful in gaining new members there

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Job Analysis Master Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Job Analysis Master - Essay Example It is stated, that job analysis is 'a process used to identify the important tasks of a job and the essential competencies an individual should possess to satisfactorily perform the job'. (Clifford, 1994) The purposes of job analysis are multiple, as well as there are multiple methods for conducting it. The aim of the work is to distinguish the main strengths and weaknesses of the job analysis methods existing at present, with trying to identify the most effective among them, if it appears to be possible; it is also necessary to try defining, which methods are mostly applicable in various instances, and should there be made any amendments to the job analysis methods, which are not most often used. The reasons for conducting the present research are the following: 2. It is not yet understood, whether there is the need for the creation of any new methods, with the aim of which it is necessary first to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the existing methods. The arguments to follow in the work will be based first of all, on the literary sources used in the present work, which are four and are represented by the peer reviewed journal articles and books on the topic. The arguments will also be based on the discussion of the existing advantages and disadvantages of the methods. The main aims of the answer are to be specified as follows: The conclusion to be reached will be based on the set aims, a... 2. It will be conclude which of the job analysis methods at present appear to be the most effective and display minimum disadvantages; 3. It will be necessary to conclude, whether the already described in literature job analysis methods need more extensive learning; 4. It will be necessary to conclude, whether there is need in creating any new job analysis methods. The conclusion to be reached will be based on the set aims, and will include the answers on the abovementioned questions. I guess, it will be beneficial to make the core of the conclusion related to the most effective job analysis methods among the already described. Analysis Identification and coverage of the main issues The rationale for the job analysis in general lies in the aim of protecting the public 'by assuring that individuals, who work in an occupation or profession are at least minimally competent'. (Gael, 1993) Thus, one of the key issues in discussing job analysis methods is in identifying, which of them appears to be more effective, and is thus the most reliable for ensuring this individual safety mentioned. Another key issue, is that despite the extensive literature sources on the topic, the importance of researching job analysis methods with distinguishing their strengths and weaknesses is not given due importance, and thus this work will be an additional attempt to provide the employer with the analysis of the key methods, making him understand the essential role which job analysis methods play in hiring qualified workers. The main methods of job analysis can be identified as follows: 1. Observation. Levin and Ash (1999) state, that the core issue of any observation in relation to job analysis is